Nord-Com Sp. z o.o., based in Gdynia, has been established in 1989 as an auditing company. Currently, it acts as a provider of outsourcing services in the field of bookkeeping, human resources and payroll as well as tax and legal consultancy for Clients from the northern part of Poland. Our employees are experienced and have comprehensive knowledge of finance, tax and accounting. Also auditors, tax advisors, lawyers and other specialists employed by BWCS group work for Clients from the northern part of Poland and Scandinavian countries.
Company information and contact details:
Nord-Com sp. z o.o.Ul. Starowiejska 37/3
81-363 Gdynia
Tax id: 586 002 3954
Share capital: 50.000 PLN
CC: 0000206199
tel. +48 58 622 92 02
mob. +48 603 376 392