For the purposes of ownership transformations, planned mergers and acquisitions or in relation with in-kind contribution, it is essential to know how much the business or assets you wish to dispose of or to acquire are worth.
The fundamental elements determining the higher value of a private company for the purposes of ownership transformations, planned mergers and acquisitions, and in-kind contributions, it is necessary to know how much the business or assets the Client wants to dispose of are worth. The best moment is healthy profitability and sustainable financial condition, ensuring steady cash flow for the owners. Valuing the future value of a business when it has a positive outlook makes it attractive to a future buyer.
BWCS experts have the knowledge, international experience and technical tools to support the measurement of goodwill at a specific point in time. Practically, they will answer the question: "How much is your business worth now".
- They select the optimal valuation model tailored to the Client's unique situation and valuation goal.
- They assess whether it is worth investing in a complementary business.
- They check if the offered price for the business they guarantee.
- They conduct a valuation of the company's assets for the investor's dominant position in the industry, whether it is economically justified and they do so according to reporting local and IFRS standards.
- Each year BWCS experts perform several valuations of businesses, or of a separate part of a business for transaction purposes.